Intellectual Brand Management
Intellectual Brand Management

Our Client Base

MbGa Scientific specializes in assisting biotech and medical device companies that are looking to add expertise and differentiation in the broad use of scientific and technical material. Below is a sampling of some our recent projects.


New awareness strategy provides competitive edge.  Customer needed a more effective way to monitor scientific environment than its current ad-hoc system. MbGa Scientific advised on implementation of new web-based portal for acquisition and dissemination of pertinent industry developments. New streamlined system for rapid evaluation of developments led to successful new product launches and a comprehensive understanding of competitive landscape.

Custom Education

Web-based compendium prompts messaging tactics.  With the rapid expansion of competitors within the client market came an essential need to better inform and train marketing and sales teams about company and competitor science, marketing positions and messaging. MbGa Scientific developed a living web-based claims compendium where scientific, clinical and promotional material is easily accessible and updateable. Complete with educational vignettes, the site serves as a key sales training resource and provides a window into the volatile competitive landscape enabling timely message development and dissemination.

eLearning system provides competitive edge. Competitors were forcing MbGa client to groom scientifically engaging sales force. Led development of clinical science compendium and web-based sales training that includes competitor modules, company products, slide kits, voiceovers and key talking points. New resources enhance sales reps 1-on-1 interactions with physician, advancing client’s market leadership and corporate branding.

Message Platforms

Created scientific messaging for new product launch. MbGa client required marketing strategy for new product. Reviewed scientific & clinical studies, teamed with marketing, medical affairs, regulatory & key opinion leaders to develop positioning language and refine clinical/scientific messaging to be incorporated within all marketing/communication channels . As a result, new product became #1 in market. 

Developed evidence-driven communications plan.  The need to increase product line publication profile prompted client to seek strategic clinical data from established KOLs. MbGa Scientific conducted one-on-one surgeon interviews, offered in-depth clinical and positioning perspective to identify data sets for manuscript development and created position-appropriate clinical case study articles. Client continues to grow its literature footprint, and clinical case studies allow for more effective sales representative/surgeon interaction.


















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